Sunday, 6 November 2011

Week 12: Presentations of web-based projects!

Presentations, presentations and more presentations! It was finally the day to showcase the web-based reports that we invested our blood and sweat in. Here’s how I feel about the presentations..

The first group kicked start with an interesting presentation style on the topic of designer babies. It was an informative analogy on the pros and cons of in vitro-fertilization (IVF) where a parent could easily select the traits of a baby. Some might feel that this seems rather commoditised - as though a parent is performing an online shopping in a pushcart menu. Yet, it could be seen that it is important for a parent to give an opportunity for his/her child the best that he can have. Knowing that a child is predisposed of a certain genetic disease and not doing anything about it when a parent has the capacity to do so is unethical (assuming the parents have the finances to do so). I personally would want the best for my child so I will support the idea of designer babies.

My group was up next and we awed the class with our (yet another biotechnology) topic, nanotechnology in medicine. We understand that technology is becoming inextricably tied with healthcare and technology has become a smaller scale. In our research, we believed that the cure for cancer is imminent and it is actually possible to cure the malignant cells without damaging neighbouring useful cells. Drug delivery would be greatly enhanced.

The third group presented on the thought-provoking topic of possibly having life in outer space. It provided me a keen insight of space technology and the possibility of living in a world other than earth. Given our dwindling resources, having space tourism could be a very interesting form of entertainment.

The final group presented the interesting topic of having the need to clear wastes, mainly plastics, in the ocean. Known as the plastic vortex, many aquatic animals are endangered with wastes disposed from sewers and poor waste management. It pricked my moral conscience as animals are suffering the brunt of our mistakes, or lack of effort to rectify the issues. This website was very informative and it has created awareness in all of us to have individual responsibility ie using less of plastics when we can be using paper bags. Alternatively, bioplastics, if created, could reduce the burden on the environment.

This lesson was overall an informative and a visual feast as all of us had the time to enjoy the efforts from the various groups and deserves a 9/10. I’m looking forward to see what the other groups have in stall for us!